1. Upload

Several files can be uploaded, but you need to choose the separator and map to DarwinCore before adding another file.

2. Pipeline settings

    When you launch the pipeline, it checks if:
  • the countryCode (ISO2 code) is present
  • two geographic coordinates (decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude) are present
  • coordinates match with countryCode
  • the gbif term 'hasGeospatialIssue' is false

Check if occurrences are consistently included in a raster.

Check whether the coordinates fall within a known polygon from the TDWG scheme for recording plant distribution and fill in the data with the corresponding polygon.

Filter occurrences using the EstablishmentMeans column (DarwinCore term)

Corrects minor errors in the ScientifcName column by checking the different spelling of your data and verifying in Kew or Gbif databases.

3. Get your result

(and I understand that if I close this window during the process, my results will be lost)
